The 7 Bad Habits That Ruin Your Skin

Sleeping with makeup on

Your skin can suffer greatly from the accumulation of oil, dirt, and makeup throughout the day.


Ditching moisturiser

The doctor advises moisturizing your skin before bed to improve and maintain its natural barrier and retain moisture.


Oiling your hair overnight

Applying oil to your hair and massaging it in can be helpful, but leaving it on all night is a bad beauty practice that can backfire.


Drinking alcohol before bed

The expert warns that drinking alcohol right before bed can cause a headache as well as a swollen and puffy face.


Using rough and dirty sheets or pillowcase

The state of your skin might be impacted by the quality of your pillows and linens. Your skin may become irritated by low-quality fabrics.


Not getting enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for keeping your skin healthy. Insufficient sleep can result in more inflammation of the skin, a drab complexion, and noticeable dark bags beneath the eyes.


Over-exfoliating your face

Although maintaining clean skin is essential, going overboard can backfire.
