Soon I realized that roses were much more than weak hybrid teas, and I could pick robust, strong, disease-resistant, and tough-as-nails roses to fill those gaps.
Finding roses that thrive in your location is crucial to a low-maintenance rose garden. However, this process will need many trial and error.
Rose planting requires a willingness to try new things and make errors.
When you get to know your roses, you notice minor things like how they respond to fungicide, whether they need it, and how they display illness.
Since they're still popular after all these years, there's certainly a reason. Roses that are hard to cultivate won't sell. Okay, maybe some rosarians will.
The best approach to locate local rose varietals that thrive in your climate? Visit rose gardens during blackspot, rust, and powdery mildew-prone seasons.
Why are we here if we can't have fun? We cultivate roses for their extravagant, vivid blossoms and divine smells.